I Have a Survey (read on to find out why)

Hello again, friends!

Today, I'm very excited to announce that I have, well, an announcement!  For the past couple of weeks, I've been praying about and looking at starting a new blog.  One that will be (Lord willing) a lot more organized and professional than this one.

I'm trying to learn from all of the mistakes I've made thus far, and, like I mentioned, be much more organized.

See, I even have a bit of a mission statement:  This new blog, called Redeem the Time, will be focused on connecting with my generation, inspiring and empowering today's teenagers to live their lives in devotion to Christ.

However! Before I launch, I could seriously use your help.

I've created a quick, two minute survey.

The responses I receive will shape the direction of this new project.

Will you please take a few minutes to:

1. Complete the survey yourself
2. Share this with any teens, parents, or youth workers you think would be interested

Here's the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3M7QXYL

Friends, thank you all so much for your support and helping me make it this far, and for backing and supporting this new project!


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