Rescuer's Facade

Rescuer’s Facade
Note: this poem was co-written with my friend, Brianna Harpel.  She and I also wrote another poem (Where Monsters Prey), which is published on her blog. To read more of her poetry, please check out her blog, Spread the Spark.


I look into so many eyes
Trying to see inside
But all I get are masks
Empty, soulless, yet ready to be allied. 
Setting all emotion aside,
I must remember my guise.
Remember the bigger picture that
I can’t let my anger compromise,

That which I negotiate.
Pretending to be, this monstrosity
To want to buy these children,
Strip of modesty, 

Take advantage of poverty. 
Commit every atrocity… 
That I am here to fight. 
Focus. Focus for my sanity, 

On the truth,
The real reason I am here.
To gather up the information 
That may release them from fear.

Masquerade a little longer
To gather up these chains. 
Striving to keep hidden
The prayers, coursing through my veins. 

The prayers to take the shackles of the stolen,
And place them on this-- this… 
I struggle to call them “person.” 
One who somehow can dismiss

Life and innocence,
Exchange it for stranger’s bliss. 
How can anyone do this to another?
I don’t know, but I will destroy what is amis. 

Though it tears a cavern in my soul,
I will pose, till I can liberate,
And restore hope unto their souls.
For them I still cooperate… 

Against all pain, all odds.
Against all injustice.
I will bear my facade, 
In the face of the corrupted.

Till the truth is found 
And all are finally unbound.


  1. Thanks for doing these poems with me!

    1. Thank YOU for all of your help! Especially with the editing. I couldn't have done it without you :)


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